Overcome your fears


I'm Giovanna, an italian student of 23 years old, currently in Viana do Castelo, Portugal. How did it happen? we can say the desire to help others, of independence and growth, and lots and lots of courage. 

Until a few years ago I never even thought I would be able to do something like this. I was overwhelmed by fear, dreaming in my room of one day being able to have an experience abroad. And you know what? my brain must have had a bug for a few moments because I started thinking more about opportunities and positives than fears, AND HERE WE ARE!

Surfing on the internet I discovered about the European Solidarity Corps. I chose to pursue the project with AJD because it was the most interesting for me and it would have allow me to improve my skills in the sector I wanted. I was chosen and my dream came true.

I've currently been here for a week and everything has exceeded my expectations. A fantastic team made up of very kind people, fabulous hospitality and support, unique experiences.

What do I expect? 9 months full of emotions, growth and good relationships.

First lesson learned: always do what scares you the most.
